Saturday, November 09, 2013

I shared a story last night on my Facebook and thought I might copy it over here today for you! My oldest son passed away in a house fire when he was only three and a half. that was fourteen years ago, he would have been in his Senior year this year and it never gets easier to think on. Today is the anniversary of his death. I miss him so very much and often wonder what he would be like today, what he would enjoy doing and what he would look like. Here's a picture of him taken the summer before he left us:

He was such a precious handsome boy and he always smiled....always! Here's the story that I shared last night, just a memory I had of him and a favor to ask of you:


As a child, Joshua, loved "quarters". They were all quarters to him as long as they were silver. Up until this day, I keep my change in what should be the ashtray (I don't smoke so I might as well use it for something) and as soon as he would get in the car, he would peek around the seat and if there was anything silver there at all, he would say "Quarters?!" He always wanted them and I always gave them to him and they would instantly be deposited into his little pocket. For those of you who never had the blessing of knowing him while he was with us, he had a huge loving and giving heart. Something in that little brain of his knew that those baby "boxes" at Wal-Mart or those bell ringers buckets outside the stores or the glass jars that local people sit on the old store counters to help someone in the community meant something. He knew that someone needed those quarters more than him and he always emptied his pockets into them when we passed them. For a little boy who loved quarters so much, he NEVER kept them for himself and he always "donated" them. If we passed a box and he didn't have any quarters, he would beg for them until I found something for him. For months after he passed, I couldn't keep change in my car because I would cry every single time I saw it and today for the first time in years I got tears in my eyes when I saw the change in my car. So I'm asking this of you, if in the next few weeks as the holidays approach, if you pass by a donation bucket or see a food drive take a minute if you're able and donate something, anything with the same carefree giving heart that my little boy had. He never showed greed and he was always willing to give without a thought of keeping it. There are so many people in need in our communities and I hope that if you're able you'll take a moment to share a giving spirit with them! For just that moment, forget the hustle and bustle and the greed in this world and stop to help someone else.

Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and read. I'll never forget my precious Joshua and I'll never be the same either! Always cherish those you have in your life, you don't know how long they are promised to you! Ciao!

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